{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "DGS_UnconfinedAquifer_Trans", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The dataset was developed to support hydrogeologic research, water resources evaluation, and policy and regulatory decisions for the State of Delaware.", "description": "

This digital product contains gridded estimates of the transmissivity of the unconfined portion of the Columbia aquifer for Sussex County, Delaware. Mapping was supported by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and the Delaware Geological Survey. These grids were produced with the methods described in Andres and Klingbeil (2006). Additional analyses of the hydrogeologic framework and grids are also contained in that report. Briefly, the method to determine the transmissivity of the aquifer includes interpreting transmissivity at points of descriptive and geophysical logs and using computer-based interpolation to estimate transmissivity across the study area. Separate grids were determined for eastern and western Sussex County and were merged and smoothed to minimize edge effects. The transmissivity grid has 30-m horizontal and 1-ft vertical resolutions. REFERENCES CITED Andres, A. S., and Klingbeil, A. D., 2006, Thickness and transmissivity of the unconfined aquifer, eastern Sussex County, Delaware: Delaware Geological Survey Report of Investigations No. 70, 19 p., 1 plate.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "summary": "The dataset was developed to support hydrogeologic research, water resources evaluation, and policy and regulatory decisions for the State of Delaware.", "title": "DGS_UnconfinedAquifer_Trans", "tags": [ "transmissivity", "geoscientificInformation", "water table", "ground water", "Delaware Sussex County Bethany Beach Bethel Blades Bridgeville Dagsboro Delmar Ellendale Fenwick Island Frankford Georgetown Greenwood Henlopen Acres Laurel Lewes Milford Millsboro Millville Milton Ocean View Rehoboth Beach Seaford Selbyville Slaughter Beach South Bethany", "aquifer" ], "type": "Image Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Image Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "", "url": "https://tst2epbfirstmap.dti.state.de.us:6443/arcgis", "minScale": 4622324.434309, "maxScale": 18055.954822, "spatialReference": "WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "

The Delaware Geological Survey (DGS) is constantly gathering data from multiple sources, interpreting data, and reflecting its interpretations in a variety of data formats. DGS's interpretations are conceptualized in these grids of Depth to Water for Sussex County, DE. The water table is a continuous surface; however, observations of the surface exist at irregularly spaced locations. In this instance, regularly spaced grids of water-table elevations were estimated from site-specific observational data and are the model used to represent the water-table surface. Reasonable efforts have been made by the DGS to verify that the digital data provided herein accurately interpret the source data used in its preparation. These are estimated surfaces and they may be inappropriate for some applications. Detailed site-specific investigation may be required for evaluating individual sites. Persons wishing to apply the data in these grids to more detailed scales are encouraged to contact the DGS office for advisement. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed an expressed or implied waiver of the sovereign immunity of the State of Delaware or its duly authorized representatives, agents, or employees.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>" }